Matthew 19:14
​Goals of Pathways to Preschool Program
To satisfy three basic needs of your child:
Intellectual Curiosity or "the need to find out"
Social Adjustment or "the need to belong"
Spiritual Awareness or "the need to feel secure in God's plan for us"
To help children:
learn to work and play independently, to be at ease while away from home, and learn to accept help and direction from adults
learn to interact effectively with other children and to value one's own rights and the rights of others
develop self-identity and a view of themselves as having competence and worth
realize many opportunities to strive and to succeed physically - intellectually and socially
widen and sharpen language skills - both listening and speaking
be curious, that is, to wonder and to seek answers to questions
​Goals of Preschool Program
To provide an enriching curriculum in a Christian setting.
The curriculum includes:
Art activities: Painting, cutting, coloring, clay, etc.
Religious activities: Daily Bible stories and prayers that focus on Christianity & weekly Chapel lessons by the LCR staff
Social Studies: Seasons, holidays, home, church, community, & manners
Science: Hands on and inquiry-based activities about plants, animals, weather, and health. We currently use Little Learners Science
Cooking activities and nutrition: 5-6 times/year cooking projects designed to teach children how to make simple snacks
Number experiences: Developing number concepts through hands-on number activities, number recognition, and counting. We currently use the Math Mingle program
Language activities: Use of storytelling, poetry, use of books and "Show and Tell"
Reading readiness: Alphabet Recognition and formation, phonics, rhyming words, shapes, left to right progression, same & different, and much more! We currently use Zaner-Bloser curriculum, along with Heggerty phonics lessons
Fine Motor skill development opportunities including Play-Doh, shaving cream, cutting, building etc.
Dramatic Experiences: Dramatic play & puppetry
Musical Experiences: Singing, listening, rhythms, lumi sticks, and musical games.
Indoor & Outdoor Play: Blocks, trucks, housekeeping area, puzzles, books & educational toys, running, jumping, climbing, tricycle riding, and ball skills
Visitors: Professionals from the community teach the children about their jobs. Ex: Police, Veterinarian, Dentist, Fire Fighters and more.